Leg og læring på legepladsen

er en vigtig del af vores opvækst og kontinuerlige udvikling. En legeplads er en af de første scener, hvor vi anvender sanser og motorik i forbindelse med fysiske og rekreative aktiviteter samtidig med, at vi afspejler os selv i andre.

Vi har siddet med snuden nede i bøgerne og besøgt utallige legepladser og oplevelsesrum verden over – alt sammen for at indsamle den nødvendige viden, der gør, at vi kan tilbyde jer helt unikke legepladser, hvor legeværdi, læring, funktionalitet, sikkerhed og tryghed går op i en højere enhed.

Naturlegeplads med legeskib. Legeplads firma med unikke løsninger. Legeredskaber i træ.


Legeværdi og læring er helt essentielle aspekter på alle vores legepladser.


Høj sikkerhed er en selvfølge, når du bygger med os.


Funktionelle legeredskaber der har lang holdbarhed og lavet af gedigne materialer.


Vi leverer rådgivning og specialistviden gennem hele forløbet.

Oplevelsesrum der sætter
leg og læring i fokus

We transform spaces

We have experience working with a wide array of projects within the realm of spaces for physical activities and play. We have participated and collaborated in projects that have transformed harbors, parks, natural sites and urban areas into spaces that invites people to an active living. We find solutions that fits every need and shape our concepts to match the surroundings.

We have experience working in collaborative projects, where our expertise in terms of human motion, play, learning and exercise help shape projects and ensure the solutions’ quality and longevity. In that sense we partake in projects as both main contractor, adviser and collaborator.

Solutions with purpose

We provide you with solutions that matches your needs. We have the necessary knowledge, know-how and experience required to find flexible solutions that accommodates your hopes and wishes for an outdoor or indoor space for physical activity, play, exercise and leisure.

With us you get the opportunity to help shape the project and influence the end-result. We are able to customize and tailor our concepts to meet your expectation. Our end-products always consists of the highest degree of functionality, safety, play value.

We are passionate about everything related to human motion and physical activity and we believe that shows in our solutions.

Legepladser af høj kvalitet. legeredskaber i træ. Legepladsfirma med skræddersyede løsninger