Legeredskab med mulighed for gyngestativ, rutsjebane og klatrelege.
Alder: 3+ år
1x platform surface PH 145 cm: Robinia
1x platform surface PH 190 cm: Robinia
1x climbing wall with window opening: Robinia
1x horizontal bar H 130 cm: stainless steel
1x fireman”s pole: stainless steel
1x single swing frame: Robinia
2x swing joint: stainless steel
1x swing seat with chains: rubber, stainless steel
prepared for suitable add-on slide
1x platform surface PH 190 cm: Robinia
1x climbing wall with window opening: Robinia
1x horizontal bar H 130 cm: stainless steel
1x fireman”s pole: stainless steel
1x single swing frame: Robinia
2x swing joint: stainless steel
1x swing seat with chains: rubber, stainless steel
prepared for suitable add-on slide
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